
Thursday, 21 February 2013

Websites I find useful.

Hi, hotshots!

I did a post about the advice I absorbed from books I had read for writers from authors (e.g. Stephen King's On Writing.)

However, books aren't the only media nowadays.
Websites I find useful are:

The Writer's Alley : an easy-to-use website with actual helpful tips.

Myers-Briggs personality testing : This is the test I use on my characters (sometimes). If I know my character's type, I have e better understanding of how they react in different situations. I like using psychology funstuffs to broaden out/flesh out/3d-ise characters.

National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo : This is something I learnt about halfway through November, and therefore will only be able to take part in Nov 2012. It's a month-long writing splurge that forces you to try and achieve 50,000 words of a story in 30 days. A crash course I can't wait to try out.

Writing Forward : a list of 42 pointers. This may sound like a lot, but it's a nice summary of a lot of advice which often gets sidelined.

Got any websites to recommend?

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