
Monday 15 October 2012

Hot potato plot syndrome

Hi hotshot,

Characters are really stubborn. Which can be very good, I think, because I'm the sort of person who has no idea what to do when it comes to plot.
The idea of a plot freaks me out a little.
I have hot potato plot syndrome. The faster I can get a planned, structured idea away from myself, the better. Because let us be perfectly frank: I downright suck at 'em. I can make up a plot (ish) and have it look vaguely interesting, but...
There's no fun in it.
Bam. Plot. There, no mystery left. My potential novel has been given an enema.
I like to weasel my way through stories, discover things along the way with my character being the force driving the story onwards.
It keeps things interesting! So. Am determined not to plot. Because I want to- so many ideas! I must write all of them out and detail them! But I know as soon as I do, I'll be bored with them and move on.
No one ever wrote a book by doing that, trust me.

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